Friday, August 29, 2014

What does 10W30 Grade Motor Oil Mean?

You see those cryptic combinations of letters and numbers on motor oil bottles everywhere. What do they mean?

To decipher them, you have to understand viscosity. Viscosity measures how much the motor oil can resist flow. In other words, if you tip a motor oil bottle over, how fast it spills out indicates its viscosity. The more viscous, the slower it moves.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Back to School: Car Care Tips

Well, it’s school time again and it’s important to take a few steps in order to make sure your car is prepared for the back-to-school daily grind. There are two easy steps that ensure your car stays on the road and not on the side of the road.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Maintenance "Musts"

Did you know that the most important way to keep your vehicle healthy and out of the shop is to keep it clean and lubricated? Changing your oil and filters on a regular basis is a maintenance “must” when it comes to keeping your car on the road.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Penny Test

Did you know that each of your tires will wear differently depending on the position of the tire? Therefore, to keep the wear on your tires even, it is essential to rotate your tires according to your manufacturer’s recommendations.